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Faiz Blaster/私隱權政策 English/Chinese


"Faiz Blaster" is an APP (hereinafter referred to as this APP) operated by "艾迪eddiegameplay" (hereinafter referred to as us) for various services and information. The following is our privacy protection policy to help you understand how the personal data collected by this app is used and protected.

1. Scope of application of the privacy protection policy

    (1) Please confirm that you have reviewed and agree to all the terms listed in this Privacy Policy before using this APP service. If you do not agree with all or part of it, please do not use this APP service.     (2) The content of the privacy protection policy, including how we handle the personally identifiable information you collect when you use this APP service.     (3) The privacy protection policy does not apply to related linked websites other than this APP, nor does it apply to persons not entrusted or involved in management by us.

2. Collection and use of personal data     (1) During general browsing, the server will record relevant actions on its own, including the IP address of your connected device, usage time, browser used, browsing and clicking data records, etc., as a reference for us to improve services As a matter of fact, this record is an internal application and will never be released to the public.     (2) When using our services, we may ask you to provide us with certain personal data that can be used to contact or identify you, including:         • C003 Identifiers in government materials: ID card uniform number, uniform ID number, etc.     (3) This APP will use the collected data for various purposes:         • Provide and maintain reading services provided by the system         • Provide user support         • Provide analytics or valuable information so that we can improve our services         • Monitor service usage         • Detect, prevent and resolve technical issues     (4) The period, region, object, and method of the data collected by this APP are:         • Period: until the date when the party requests to stop using or the service stops providing services.         • Region: Personal data will be used for the all regions.         •Using objects and methods: The collected information will be used in the execution of various businesses, and the utilization methods are various analyses, contact, and notification necessary for the execution of the business.

3. Data protection and security     (1) This APP host is equipped with firewalls, anti-virus systems, and other related information security equipment and necessary security protection measures. This APP and your personal data are strictly protected. Only authorized personnel can access your personal data. All relevant processing personnel has signed confidentiality contracts. Those who violate the confidentiality obligations will be subject to relevant legal sanctions.     (2) If it is necessary to entrust the relevant units of this APP to provide services due to business needs, we will require them to abide by their confidentiality obligations and take appropriate inspection procedures to ensure that they will actually comply.     (3) Please keep your password and personal information properly, and remind you to close this APP after using the relevant services of this APP to prevent your information from being stolen.     (4) You agree that when you use this APP service, the information you keep is consistent with the facts. In addition, if you discover that your personal data has been illegally used by others or has any abnormality, you should notify us immediately.     (5) You agree that when using this APP service, the information provided and used is legal and does not infringe on the rights of third parties, violate third-party agreements, or involve any illegal acts. If the third party's damage is caused by the use of this APP service, we are not responsible for the relevant compensation unless it is caused by our intentional or gross negligence.

4. External related links This APP may contain links to other cooperative websites or webpages, and such websites or webpages may also collect your personal information. Regardless of its content or privacy policy, it has nothing to do with this APP. You should refer to the linked website by yourself. Privacy Policy, we are not jointly and severally responsible.

5. Policy on sharing personal data with third parties     (1) This APP will never provide, exchange, rent or sell any of your personal data to other individuals, groups, private enterprises or public agencies unless there is a legal basis or contractual obligation.     (2) The circumstance of the proviso in the preceding paragraph includes but is not limited to:         • With your written consent.         • The law expressly stipulates.         • To maintain national security or to advance the public interest.         • To avoid danger to your life, body, liberty or property.         • Cooperate with public agencies or academic research institutions, which is necessary for statistical or academic research based on public interests, and the data is processed by the provider or the collector cannot identify a specific party according to its disclosure method.         •When your behavior in the APP violates the terms of service or may damage or impede the rights and interests of the APP and other users or cause damage to anyone, the APP management unit analyzes and discloses your personal data for the purpose of identifying, contacting or taking legal action necessary.         • In favor of your interests.     (3) When this APP entrusts a manufacturer to assist in the collection, processing, or use of your personal information, it will be responsible for the supervision and management of the outsourced manufacturer or individual.

6. Protection of minors When minors register or use this service and agree to the collection and use of their personal information by the company, they should be represented by their legal representative or with the consent of the legal representative according to their age.

7. Revision of Privacy Policy We will have the right to modify this privacy protection policy at any time according to our needs. When we make changes, it will be announced on this APP, and it will take effect from the date of announcement without further notice.

「Faiz Blaster」是由「艾迪eddiegameplay」(下稱我們)所經營之APP(下稱本APP)各項服務與資訊。



    (1)請您在於使用本APP服務前,確認您已審閱並同意本隱私權政策所列全部條款,若您不同意全部或部份者,則請勿使用本APP服務。     (2)隱私權保護政策內容,包括我們如何處理您在使用本APP服務時蒐集到的個人識別資料。     (3)隱私權保護政策不適用於本APP以外的相關連結網站,亦不適用於非我們所委託或參與管理之人員。


    (1)於一般瀏覽時,伺服器會自行記錄相關行徑,包括您使用連線設備的IP位址、使用時間、使用的瀏覽器、瀏覽及點選資料記錄等,做為我們增進服務的參考依據,此記錄為內部應用,絕不對外公布。     (2)在使用我們的服務時,我們可能會要求您向我們提供可用於聯繫或識別您的某些個人資料,包括:         • C003政府資料中之辨識者: 身分證統一編號、統一證號等。

    (3)本APP將蒐集的數據用於各種目的:         •提供和維護系統所提供讀服務         •提供用戶支持         •提供分析或有價值訊息,以便我們改進服務         •監控服務的使用情況         •檢測,預防和解決技術問題     (4)本APP針對蒐集數據的利用期間、地區、對象及方式:         •期間:當事人要求停止使用或本服務停止提供服務之日為止。         •地區:個人資料將用於全部地區。         •利用對象及方式:所蒐集到的資料將利用於各項業務之執行,利用方式為因業務執行所必須進行之各項分析、聯繫及通知。


    (1)本APP主機均設有防火牆、防毒系統等相關資訊安全設備及必要的安全防護措施,本APP及您的個人資料均受到嚴格的保護。只有經過授權的人員才能接觸您的個人資料,相關處理人員均有簽署保密合約,如有違反保密義務者,將會受到相關的法律處分。     (2) 如因業務需要有必要委託本APP相關單位提供服務時,我們會要求其遵守保密義務,並採取相當之檢查程序以確定其將確實遵守。     (3)請您妥善保管您的密碼與個人資料,並提醒您使用完畢本APP相關服務後,務必關閉本APP,以免您的資料遭人盜用。     (4)您同意在使用本APP服務時,所留存的資料與事實相符。另若嗣後您發現您的個人資料遭他人非法使用或有任何異常時,應即時通知我們。     (5)您同意於使用本APP服務時,所提供及使用之資料皆為合法,並無侵害第三人權利、違反第三方協議或涉及任何違法行為。如因使用本APP服務而致第三人損害,除因我們故意或重大過失所致外,我們並不負擔相關賠償責任。


本APP上有可能包含其他合作網站或網頁連結,該網站或網頁也有可能會蒐集您的個人資料,不論其內容或隱私權政策為何,皆與本APP 無關,您應自行參考該連結網站中的隱私權保護政策,我們不負任何連帶責任。


    (1)本APP絕不會提供、交換、出租或出售任何您的個人資料給其他個人、團體、私人企業或公務機關,但有法律依據或合約義務者,不在此限。     (2)前項但書之情形包括但不限於:         •經由您書面同意。         •法律明文規定。         •為維護國家安全或增進公共利益。         •為免除您生命、身體、自由或財產上之危險。         •與公務機關或學術研究機構合作,基於公共利益為統計或學術研究而有必要,且資料經過提供者處理或蒐集者依其揭露方式無從識別特定之當事人。         •當您在APP的行為,違反服務條款或可能損害或妨礙APP與其他使用者權益或導致任何人遭受損害時,經APP管理單位研析揭露您的個人資料是為了辨識、聯絡或採取法律行動所必要者。         •有利於您的權益。     (3)本APP委託廠商協助蒐集、處理或利用您的個人資料時,將對委外廠商或個人善盡監督管理之責。





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